Saturday, August 16, 2008

Good News for Investors in the Carolina's

"The Carolinas are faring better than the rest of the country in terms of price appreciation" - "Lifestyle factors & strong demographics remain positive for the vacation home market." "Sales (are) returning to pre-boom activity" - according to Lawrence Yun, Chief Economist for NAR (National Assn. of Realtors) reported April 21, 2008.

The average home sale prices in NC INCREASED by 4% in 2007! - NAR

Not only have homes become more affordable with prices correcting themselves, but with historic low interest rates, buying a home in Brunswick County is now more affordable than ever.

A recent article in the Charlotte Observer reports “NC passed NJ to become the nation’s 10th most populated state.” The article continued, “That’s a more than decade-long trend of the Northeast being a net exporter of population to the South.” The population growth is attributed in large part to retirees. In the 1990s many people who moved to Florida initially moved half way back to the Carolinas. Now more and more retirees are coming straight to Carolinas and bypassing Florida altogether, according to the report. For investors that’s great news. Although you may have heard of recent “market corrections” in housing, the coastal Carolina’s continue to be a very attractive investment opportunity. As the trend continues and as more of the population reach retirement age, investments here have the greatest potential for lucrative returns.
When Warren Buffet ($62 Billion) said something to the effect of "When people are fearful be bold" he was referring to the stock market but the same holds true for real estate investments.

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